Thursday, August 9, 2012

Shirley Cox, Fascinating Womanhood master teacher

Thanks again to our Kickstarter supporters! We made our goal and some of the donors will be receiving a gift in the mail from Emily. The artwork has been featured in the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art and Exponent II Magazine.
Last week I had the privilege of meeting with Shirley Cox and we filmed an interview for the film. Mrs. Cox has been teaching Fascinating Womanhood classes since 1968 with great success and dramatic stories from her students. She is currently teaching online classes to women from around the world (you can find more information about how to contact Shirley HERE). We're thrilled to include her experiences in the Fascinating Womanhood Documentary.


  1. OH MYY!!
    She's my teacher!!! Yeah, I know what she looks like!!!

  2. Awwww Mrs Shirley was my online teacher too she was simply awesome I learned so much. Now I have a face with the name.

  3. I love the class with Ms. Cox! So nice to see her!
